Getting CoE Form Signed
Please get the College of Engineering Excused Absence form signed ASAP! (E-mail me,, for the form, or pick it up right outside the NSBE office.)
Bellow is the Form.
Here is some info from our faculty advisor, Dr. McNair:
NSBE Advisor Office Hours - Thursdays 9am-12pm, NEB 457
Any NSBE student can stop by my office during this time slot unannounced to get signatures, to talk, or any other reason.
Please, e-mail her at if you cannot make it during her offfice hours.
IF YOU CANNOT SEE HER DURING THE INDICATED TIMES, you can always slide your form under her door. If you do this, WRITE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS on the paper so that she can let you know when to pick it up.
NSBE-related excused absence process.
To avoid (as possible) conflicts with professors and instructors, Dr. Lindner and I want all NSBE students who may travel for NSBE to use the following process each semester:
1. Fill out the CoE Excused Absence Request Form with your information (your name, date, major, event info, possible travel dates, etc.)
2. In the FIRST FEW WEEKS OF CLASSES, meet with each of your professors, instructors, and supervisors.
a. Meet them in person - no emails.
b. Tell them about the NSBE event and give them your possible travel dates.
c. Ask them to sign your CoE Excused Absence Request Form.
Do this EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT SURE whether you are going to the conference.
If you experience problems, don't argue. Just email Dr. Lindner and me, or stop by to discuss.
3. Collect the other signatures and turn in the form.
a. Other signatures are: NSBE faculty advisor (me) and your department chair.
b. Turn in the original form to Dr. Lindner's office. (Weil 312)
c. Keep a copy for your records. Update: You no longer have to e-mail the form to me.